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Version: 4.0.0


In the following section we describe the hard- and software requirements to run a Tributech Agent and a Tributech Source on a edge device. An edge device serves as an endpoint on the network, bridging the gap between the Tributech Node and the real world (here representated as Customer Data).

Tributech Edge Device - Overview

We will show how to gain access to the private Tributech Docker Images and what requirements need to be satisfied to send Customer Data to a running Tributech Node.

⚠️ Access to a running Tributech Node Instance is required

If you have any questions regarding infrastructure requirements, please talk to your contact person at Tributech or create a support ticket.

Edge Device Requirements

First we need to setup an environment that supports running Docker Containers in order to start the private Tributech Docker Images for the Tributech Agent and a Tributech Source on the edge device, e.g. Linux.

Additional to the Docker Runtime requirements the environment must meet the following hardware and software requirements:

Hardware Requirements

The following table shows the recommended minimum hardware requirements for the overall system.

TypeMinimum RequirementAdditional Information
CPU1 Core (x86-64 / ARM 32/64) or moreThe minimum requirements for small and medium workloads.
RAM1 GBThe minimum requirements for small and medium workloads.
Storage221 MBA typical setup requires around 500MB consisting of the Tributech Agent = 221 MB, the Tributech Source = 227 MB and the Mosquitto broker = 11,6 MB.

Dependended on the frequency of data processing the requirements will increase and requirements may be different dependend on the Tributech Source used. The following table shows an example for a Tributech Agent with one simulated source.

Value per secondCPU load(1 core 2.2GHz)RAM

Software Requirements

TypeRequirementAdditional Information
OSAny current Linux DistributionWe recommend to select a managed solution from an IoT device or infrastructure provider which also takes care of operating system updates for example a vendor like Welotec.
RuntimeAny current Docker environmentWe recommend a managed solution for docker container orchestration e.g.: Azure IoT Edge Runtime
File Systemany suppoerted docker file systemThe user/instance which runs the docker containers must have read and write permission for the volume where the docker containers are situated.

Network requirements

In the following Table we provide an overview of the required port for the communication between Tributech Node (public network) to the Tributech Agent (private network) (see Overview). This communication will take place via a public accessable network.

⚠️ All of this ports are required for a Tributech Agent

443HTTPSTributech Agent/SourceAzure Container RegistryOutboundAccess to the private Azure Container Registry containing Tributech Docker Images and also used in in the Agent Enrollment) process.
1883MQTTSTributech AgentTributech NodeOutboundCommunication protocol used between Tributech Agent and Node. MQTTS is the secure version of the MQTT protocol using TLS.

Tributech Agent Source Requirements

For the Tributech Agent Source we require dependend on the source different ports. Its important to note that those ports need only be exposed in a private network between the customer data location and the edge device.

⚠️ No Source requires access to a public network.

5000HTTPCustomerTributech SourceInboundTributech REST Source
1883HTTPCustomerTributech SourceInboundTributech MQTT Source
62541TCPCustomerTributech SourceOutboundTributech OPCUA Source
48898ADSCustomerTributech SourceOutboundTributech ADS Source
851ADSCustomerTributech SourceOutboundTributech ADS Source

Container environment

In our examples we use the Docker Engine and Docker Compose for the management/orchestration of the Docker services on an Ubuntu x86 system, for other systems visit the official docker documentation.

The Tributech Agent and Tributech Sources support the following architectures

  • ARM 32/64
  • x86/x64
Docker login

In Order to gain access to the private Azure Container Registry we must visit the Tributech Node Secrets section and use the information provided in the Docker Registry Token to authenticate our environment.

⚠️ Access to a running Tributech Node Instance is required

In order to gain access to the Tributech Agent docker image we need to provide docker with the credentials to access the private Tributech Docker Registry (see docker login). The authentication information can be found in the Secrets section of the Tributech Node.

**"Tributech Node Secrets area**